Thursday, March 29, 2012

We love to see the Temple

We had a great time at the Temple with our friends Sara and Ryan. It was so peaceful and the boys seemed to have fun. It's so nice to live close enough to go and have a picnic on Temple grounds.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First time walking!

Drew has been taking steps when I let him go but today when we were at the park he was standing holding on to a railing and just let go himself and started walking! He took like 5 steps before he fell. I was so surprised and he seemed really happy! I wish I could have gotten a video of it but it happened so fast.

This is a video from earlier today when we were just practicing at home. He just keeps getting more and more steady on his feet.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

10 months old!

I can't believe he is really 10 months old. I want time to freeze right here. I love the stage he is at. He is so curious about everything and it's so fun to watch him learn and discover new things. So far the only words he has said that I think he know the meaning of are "mum" and "up". He repeated up when he wanted me to pull him up a few times and says mum or mama when he's upset and wants me to come get him.

He's become a professional crawler..he crawls so fast when he wants to get something! He is also cruising on all surfaces now...he walks along the walls, mirrors, couches and tables he can easily transfer back and forth from the table to the couch and sit and stand easily which is nice because he doesn't fall as much he just bends his knees and sits. He can walk along while only holding on with one hand and can walk with his walker by himself. When I let go of him he can stand for a few seconds and even takes a few steps toward me before falling! He seems to really love his new independence and freedom to go where he wants.

Another nice thing that happened a few weeks ago was the end to the separation anxiety phase! Now he will let other people hold him again and when we go to the park or anywhere he crawls off without looking back! It's a little sad because he doesn't need me but kinda nice to to get to chill and just watch him play. Before he seemed scared to venture out on his own and would stay close to me and not go near other people but now he goes right up to other kids at the park and makes crazy noise at them like "kee kee keee." When we were in Montana visiting he would go up to his cousins and make the same noise...I think he got it from Jared! lol

Also while we were there he learned to crawl up stairs. We don't have stair for him to practice on in our apartment so I was wondering if he would be able to do it...he went almost all the way up on his first try! It was like he had been doing it for months. I don't know how this little guy learns things so quick!

He also is clapping his hands and waving hi and bye to people! He makes this crazy little scrunchy face at people. When he see's me taking a picture he does the same face sometime too like he knows he's supposed to smile for the camera!

He has increased his food intake as well. He still nurses a lot and gets the majority of his nutrients from breast milk but is slowly eating more fruits and veggies during the day and I just recently started giving him a little bit of whole oats ground up and cooked. This is his first time eating any grains. I mix a little in with his favorite purred veggies. He is eating a few tablespoons a day now. I've been intentionally slowly introducing whole foods while his intestines are continuing to develop and mature. It will be nice when he's eating more and nursing less though! It's so tiring to nurse him so much still!

This month I had Jared help me do his picture since last month was so scary with him trying to jump out of the chair! I like this picture because he was looking right at Jared making a cute smile. He loves his dad so much it's adorable. I can't believe there are only two more pictures to take!