Thursday, December 22, 2011


Drew is ready for Christmas! I can't even stand how cute his little smile is!
My sister in law Nina took these pics of the Drew and Landon in their Christmas outfits. Landon was not in the mood to smile for the camera.
I love Drew's face in this one...he's like wow dude... really?


I'm quickly learning that multi-tasking is a big part of being a mom. I feel like some times I'm juggling two or three things at a time. I'm not good at this yet though. I'm hoping with practice and time I will learn how to multi-task better and not rush so much. Since my baby only is awake for 2 hours at a time these days I always feel like the clock is ticking when he wakes up from a nap...I have two hours to go somewhere and get things done before I need to be home so he can take his next nap. I hate it when he falls asleep when I'm out because then he will only sleep as long as our car ride and that is usually only like 10 minutes or so. I feel like I am rushing a lot of the time if I need to accomplish a few things each day. The other morning I was getting the laundry ready to wash and I left my phone on the bed. When I pulled the sheets off the bed I didn't realize that I had taken my phone with them! I ended up washing my phone in the washing machine with my sheets! :( I felt so lame. I have never broken a phone before. Now that I'm a mom I feel like I make more mistakes like that because I'm rushing and trying to get things done. And because I'm always thinking about the baby...he's my number one concern. I'm not a pro at multi-tasking at all. I have a lot to learn. Hopefully it will get easier like my mom and mother-in-law say it will. At least I'm taking good care of my baby and he's happy and healthy. If I break phones or forget other things it doesn't matter as long as I take good care of Drew.

Friday, December 16, 2011

7 months old!

Drew is growing and changing so much! I feel like sometimes he goes through little surges of change and last month was one of them. It just seemed like all the sudden he was so much more aware and interested in everything. He's trying to grab everything and open things and explore anything he can get his hands on. At a little over 6 1/2 months he started rolling everywhere. He goes fast too...he'll roll from one side of the apartment to another in no time. I have to always have him in my sight now because if I don't he will bonk his head on the wall or our furniture when he rolls into it! He is also up on his hands and knees rocking and scooting backwards. He recently started getting really good at navigating his way around better. With the combination of rolling a scooting he can go around things and get to where he wants to be. He can roll in both directions so if he gets to a wall he rolls back the other way now. Drew has started trying to sit up on his own too. Every time I try to lay him down he puts hi elbows back and tries to sit back up. It's nearly impossible to change him these days with him trying to sit up and rolling and turning! Jared said it best when he said "it's like trying to put a diaper on a little hog"! He is also making lots more sounds and facial expressions and even talking in his sleep sometimes which is so adorable!! He loves to be held and be apart of whatever is going on. He never wants to be left out of anything. A friend of ours gave us a walker and I put him in it sometimes. Drew just loves it! We play a game where I push him to one side of the room and then go to the other and have him chase's so cute to see how excited his face is when he's running across the room! He bangs into things on the's so funny. I love this little guy so much and can't wait for his first Christmas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

6 month pictures

I'm a little behind on posting these but they are to cute so I had to! It was so fun to see Drew at the beach now that he's a little older. He was really looking at everything and seeing so much more. He loved to eat the sand! A little to much actually. The next day it came out in his diaper! I feel so lucky to live in California where you have 80 degree beach days in November. We were both comfortable on short sleeves and shorts!

Super Boy!

He's wearing his bib as a cape these days! lol

And he loves to play nosey with his momma...he's so sweet!