Saturday, January 28, 2012

Crawling and Crusing!

Drew's been all over the place this month. It's so weird to have him go from room to room so fast and pulling himself up on everything. He is so curious and wants to open and dump out anything he can get his little hands on. He also falls a lot's a good thing his little tushy has extra padding. lol It's so fun to see him so excited and independent but I really think we should have baby proofed sooner! We went to home depot today and got some things but we really need to get on top of that more.

This is his "wow that was a close one face" when he almost falls but catches himself. BTW his onesee isn't clasped because he escaped before I could button it after a diaper change. He's a quick one!
He has started cruising along the table to get things he wants to grab.
tough guy face while holding on with one hand.
He loves getting into everything... especially dad's work box!
Almost there.....
This is a picture of when Drew pulled himself up for the first time! I love the look on his face. He was so surprised and proud of himself!

He crawls everywhere and fast. I feel like he's my little puppy because he follows me around the house. If I go to the bathroom he's there in 2 seconds or when I go to the kitchen he comes around the corner smiling and trying to get into the trash. It's so fun that he can go where ever he wants but he also requires a lot of supervision! He starts breathing heavy when he's excited to go somewhere it's so cute because I can hear him coming.