Saturday, October 29, 2011

teething why me!

So Drew got his first tooth today. It was a rough week for both of us! Drew didn't sleep much for two nights in a row and would wake up screaming. I felt so bad for him. He usually only wakes up quietly nurses and goes back to sleep. I don't know how moms do it with babies that cry at night. I could barley handle two nights. I should have been more prepared for this and known ahead of time what to give him to help with the pain. I hate the idea of giving him anything that's not natural so I got Hylands teething tablets and gel that seem to be helping a lot and are totally natural. We'll be much more ready for the next tooth! I really hope the rest of his teeth come in with less pain though. Poor guys has been drooling like crazy, chewing on anything he can get in his mouth and he has a runny/stuffy nose for the first time in his life. He's been doing a little better now that it popped out so we'll see how he does tonight at truck o' least he's taking a late nap right now so he'll hopefully be happier tonight. A happier dinosaur that is!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Drew loves his Dad!

He lights up when he sees Jared come through the door at night! He smiles so big and his whole body wiggles. I love to see them together. My two favorite boys! They are so silly together and Jared gets him to laugh so much.

Little froggy

I think I love bath time as much as he does these days. I'm tired by the end of the day and it's so nice for him to have something to do that helps him chill and unwind and me to chill and unwind as well. He's so peaceful and relaxed in the water. He just looks around and plays with his cup or his washcloths. It's a nice break for us both!

Pumpkin Patch

I took Drew to the pumpkin patch they have at pierce college farm. We went with my mom and sister sammy. It was fun and he liked to look around. The picutres I got of him with the pumpkins are funny though because he was looking up at the flags in almost all the pictures.

We've got a screamer

So over the past week the baby has been playing with his voice...more specifically his volume control! He loves to scream at the top of his lungs aaaaaaaa! He sticks his tong out too! Aaaaaaaa! It's pretty funny at first but it gets old pretty quick. Especially when your at church and he wants to yell. As a speech therapist I'm glad he's having fun and finding his voice but as a mom I have to say it's not my favorite thing he's done! He's doing great though and making all kinds of sounds...playing with his tong and lips and having a great time. He smiles when he makes noises like he's so proud of him self. I'm trying to just go with the flow and enjoy it! Hopefully our neighbors will too! lol

Monday, October 10, 2011

Drew is 5 months old!

Drew has been on the earth for 5 months! I feel so blessed to have him in my life. He's a great baby..he's happy and goofy just like his dad! He laughs and smiles and is very ticklish. It's so fun to see more of his personality coming out. He's been very vocal latley and squaks at me when he doesn't like something. Drew is rolling over from his back to his tummy all the time now but he doesn't know how to roll back yet so he'll get frustrated and starts squaking until I turn him back. I'm pretty excited for him to learn how to roll back on his own! He's cutting his first tooth also. He had a little white speck on the bottom and he's been drooling like crazy. We've started calling him drooly drew latley! lol He also has been sitting on his own for short periods. He sits forward on and leans on his hands like a little monkey. He sits really well in his bumbo now. Drew's also been grabbing and holding things much better. He can pass toys from one hand to the other and hold smaller objects. He's been grabbing me more too. While I'm nursing him he'll try to grab my face, my neck and anything else he can reach! He's changing so fast.I'm excited to see what this month brings.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

boys are so sweet:)

There are definitely days when I'm tired. I love to hold him but he's a heavy boy. I'm just glad I am holding him and cuddling him now though because I know this time will go by fast. I totally believe in attachment parenting (quickly responding every time his cries, baby wearing, breastfeeding and having my baby close by at night). Certain parts of that maybe more work now but I believe it will be so much better in the long run. I know the bond we are forming now will help him to be a more independent and happy person for the rest of his life. He knows I love him and am there for him whenever he needs me. Even if it's 4:00 in the morning!