Thursday, June 23, 2011

Growth Spurt

Our little Drew has been a big eater since the beginning. Jared and I couldn't help but laugh because he would get so wiggly when he was rooting and even make growling sounds! If I put him on my chest in the middle he could scootch by himself to one side or the other. It was so crazy to see what a natural survival instinct he had. At around 3 weeks he had the normal growth spurt and all he wanted to do was eat, eat, eat! At first I thought there is no way he could be this hungry. He would eat for hours sometimes. I went to the kaiser lactation ladies and they told me it was normal for babies to have a growth spurt at 3 weeks and that a lot of moms come in thinking they are not making enough milk because their babies seem to eat forever and still be hungry. They told me that it's totally normal and all his eating is helping establish my milk supply. Drew's growth spurt lasted a little longer than average I think because he's going to be a big boy and has a lot of growing to do. I'm so glad that I nursed him as much as he wanted through that time because now I have so much milk and he's looking plump and healthy. I'm glad I had people telling me to nurse on demand and to follow the babies lead. Now he has settled into a much more manageable feeding schedule and we are both doing great! They also warned me that at 3 months he will have another growth spurt so this time I will be more prepared.

1 comment:

Unhappy Customer said...

Thanks for the heads up on the 3 month growth spurt!! The 3 week spurt made me feel like I needed a breastmilk IV for him!!!