The general RS meeting was so great. Jared was so nice to watch Drew so I could go and listen to the talks. It's so crazy because I spend every minute with Drew so you'd think I'd be glad to get away but I missed him even though I was only away for 2 hours. It was nice to really be able to listen though and I loved all the talks and as always I really loved President Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk. I have such a strong testimony that Heavenly Father loves all his children individually and it was so nice to hear him talk about how precious we are in God's eyes. We are never forgotten and even things that we do that might not be that important in the worlds eyes are important to Heavenly Father. I loved how he talked about being patient with yourself. I feel like it is much easier to be patient with others and then be hard on yourself for every little thing. It's something I need to work on and I was glad he talked about that. There were so many wonderful parts to his talk. I really wish that every woman could watch it because I wish that everyone could know how much God loves and values them. We are never forgotten in God's eyes.
I really love being a mom. I was a little worried about how it would be to be home all the time and to be a mom before I had Drew. It's so crazy how everyone tells you you'll love your baby so much and I never really understood that till I had my own. It's sounds cheesy but you really do love them more and more everyday. Every little thing they do is so precious you just can't get enough. I love just having one baby because I can just laying around and take naps with him and cuddle. I'm really trying to enjoy this time because I know when I have more kid's it will not be so easy to rest and sleep. Drew is such a good baby and even though he still nurses at night I think it is so special and I love that he holds my hand when he's nursing. Those little moments are precious to me. I love his little smile when he looks up at me in the morning. I'm so excited for Drew to grow and be able to do more but I also just want him to stay little so I can keep cuddling with him. Being a mom is much better than expected and I can imagine as I have more kids that my love is just going to grow even more.
At a little over 4 1/2 months Drew started rolling over. He's been almost doing it for a few weeks but just recently started really rolling. He rolls from his back to his tummy and the first day he started doing it he looked surprised and very pleased with himself! Now every time I put him down he rolls and is almost rolling in both directions. It's kinda funny that he rolls from his back to his tummy because he doesn't like being on his tummy and gets made when he can't roll back! It's been so fun to watch him get stronger and do more but I'm a little scared for when he can really move. It seems like once he learns a new thing he doesn't stop. I'm so sad that the second picture is to dark but I didn't have my camera on the right settings. I love the picture anyway because he is doing his "i'm so proud of myself smile."
We have been having so much fun every week with our beach friends Sara and Ryan. We went to Zuma beach and hiked to the top of point dume with our babies in their ergos. It's so nice hiking in the morning because it's cool and refreshing at the beach and we have it all to ourselves. Drew seems to really like it and falls asleep most of the time on our hikes.
Wow time is flying by. My little baby is 4 months old now. He is 17.2 pounds and 27 1/2 inches long! Such a big boy. He is 80th percentile for weight, 50th for head size and 95th percentile for height. He's is finally living up to his genetics. lol His personality is starting to come out more. He no longer wants to lay around now he wants to be on the go all the time. He wants to stand or sit up and look around. He's been doing this new scooting thing when I sit him up. He scoots down by arching his back and then he smiles and seems very pleased with himself even though his neck is all kinked! It was very difficult to get his picture in the chair this month because every time I put him up he would scootch down before I could get a picture! He's so strong and crazy these days. I'm getting a little worried for when he can really move because I don't think he'll ever stop. He's also been getting really good at grabbing things and is even grabbing his own feet now. My mom pointed out that he seems to favor his right hand and so he might be right handed. We'll see in time.
Drew and Ryan have been besties since they were weeks old. It's so fun to watch them grow together! I love the face Drew made when Ryan started sucking on his hand! lol He was like "I'm not sure if I like this"
Drew loves the water. He always loves bath time and the first time I put him in the pool he seemed to like it. Drew just looked around and was very chill the whole time.
We took Drew beach camping when he was a little over 3 1/2 months old. He did so great and never fussed the whole trip. I was so worried about bringing baby stuff that I didn't even think about bringing camping stuff like a flash light or lantern!! lol We thought about that once it started getting dark and we were there with a baby. Let's just say nursing that night was pretty interesting! We survived but it was a little tough. Also next time we go camping we will bring something for the baby to sleep in. We all just slept on our queen size air mattress and the baby was a total bed hog. Jared and I slept on the edges and the baby was spread out in the middle. At least one of us got a good night sleep. Overall we had a great time and it couldn't have been a better weekend to get out of the valley. It was in the low 80's in carpentaria and it was over 100 in the valley. We didn't want to come back.
Drew and I went to the splash park in simi valley with my sister Tabitha and her kids.
We had our ward party at the beach! It was so warm and nice. The beach tent made it possible to stay for a while and my sisters and mom came too. It was so fun. My sister Cami who has been going to school in Oregon came and that was the first time she met Drew.